Data for History is an international consortium founded on 24 November 2017 with the aim of improving geo-historical data interoperability in the semantic web. Its purpose is to establish a common method for modelling, curating and managing data in historical research. The consortium aims to build up an international community of historians and computer scientists to first develop and then maintain a common ontological model that would allow for domain specific, semantically robust data integration and interoperability. The consortium meets annually to discuss topics of common interest, such as datasets, ontologies, tools and environments in the context of the Semantic Web.
The consortium meets annually to discuss topics of common interest, such as datasets, ontologies, tools and environments in the context of the Semantic Web. In the two-days meeting hosted in Bologna, hosts and guests are going to show their main projects in a nutshell and open a discussion.
Students of the International degree programme in Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge (DHDK) of University of Bologna are invited to participate in the event by actively asking the hosts and guests questions. Students who are willing to participate in the event are kindly invited to fill out the online form available on this website.
07 June 2022 - From 2.30 pm to 6 pm.
08 June 2022 - From 9.30 am to 1.00 pm.
2.30-2.40 pm Institutional greetings
Presentation and discussion
Each speaker will present its research focus in a 5 minutes presentations, followed by 15 minutes question-answering session.
CHAIR Martina Dello Buono
2.40-3.00 pm Francesca Tomasi
3.00-3.20 pm Aldo Gangemi
3.20-3.40 pm Paola Italia, Beatrice Nava, Roberta Priore, Ersilia Russo, Ilaria Burattini
3.40-4.00 pm Fabio Vitali
4.00-4.20 pm Coffee break
Presentation and discussion
4.20-4.40 pm Silvio Peroni
4.40-5.00 pm Marilena Daquino
5.00-5.20 pm Paolo Bonora
5.20-5.30 pm Final remarks
5.30-6.30 pm Data4History Committee Meeting
Daquino, Marilena, Martina Dello Buono, Francesca Giovannetti, Francesca Tomasi. 2020. Paolo Bufalini, Appunti (1981-1991) [Semantic Scholarly Digital Edition]. Digital Humanities Advanced Research Centre (/DH.arc).
Tomasi, Francesca. 2018. Modeling in the Digital Humanities: conceptual data models and knowledge organization in the cultural heritage domain, Historical Social Research Supplement 31, pp. 170-179.
Gangemi, Aldo, Valentina Presutti, Diego Reforgiato Recupero, Andrea Giovanni Nuzzolese, Francesco Draicchio, Misael Mongiovì. 2017. Semantic Web Machine Reading with FRED. Semantic Web Journal 8:6, pp. 873-893.
Gangemi, Aldo, Mehwish Alam, Luigi Asprino, Valentina Presutti and Diego Reforgiato Recupero. 2016. Framester: A Wide Coverage Linguistic Linked Data Hub. EKAW 2016: Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10024, pp. pp 239–254.
The Framester frame-based linguistic-factual knowledge graph
Carriero, Valentina Anita, Aldo Gangemi, Maria Letizia Mancinelli, Andrea Giovanni Nuzzolese, Valentina Presutti, Chiara Veninata. 2021. Pattern-based design applied to cultural heritage knowledge graphs. Semantic Web, 1-45.
The Ontology Design Patterns research programme
PhiloEditor v6.6. Digital Humanities Advanced Research Centre (/DH.arc), 2020. Presented by Ersilia Russo and Ilaria Burattini.
Dario Brancato (curated by). 2020. Progetto VaSto-'Storia Fiorentina' [Digital Edition-Pilot version]. Digital Humanities Advanced Research Centre (/DH.arc). Presented by Beatrice Nava and Roberta Priore.
Daquino, Marilena, Valentina Pasqual, Francesca Tomasi, e Fabio Vitali. 2022. «Expressing Without Asserting in the Arts.» IRCDL Conference Proceedings. 237-67.
Aydogan, Selda Ulutas, Sander Münster, Dino Girardi, Monica Palmirani, e Fabio VItali. 2022. «A Framework to Support Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage Studies Research.» Research and Education in Urban History in the Age of Digital Libraries. Springer Verlag.
Carriero, Valentina, Marilena Daquino, Aldo Gangemi, Andrea G. Nuzzolese, Silvio Peroni, Valentina Presutti, Francesca Tomasi. 2020. The landscape of ontology reuse approaches. In Cota G., M. Daquino, and G. Pozzato (eds.), Applications and Practices in Ontology Design, Extraction, and Reasoning. IOSPress, pp. 21-38.
Daquino, Marilena, Valentina Pasqual, and Francesca Tomasi. 2020. "Knowledge representation of Digital Hermeneutics of archival and literary sources." 10:3, pp. 59-76.
Bonora, Paolo, Angelo Pompilio. 2021. Corago in LOD. The debut of an Opera repository into the Linked Data arena. JLIS.It, 12:2, pp. 54–72.
Bonora, Paolo, Angelo Pompilio. 2022. RePIM in LOD: semantic technologies to preserve knowledge about Italian secular music and lyric poetry from the 16th-17th centuries. AIUCD 2022 - Proceedings. 193-95.
RePIM - Repertorio della Poesia Italiana in Musica 1500-1700 (auth requested).
Beretta, Francesco, Geroge Bruseker. 2022. CRMsoc v 0.2; A new foundational perspective. 52nd CIDOC CRM and 45th FRBR CRM.
Beretta, Francesco. 2021. A challenge for historical research: Making data FAIR using a collaborative ontology management environment (OntoME). Semantic Web 12:2, pp. 279‑294.
Semantic Data for Humanities and Social Sciences (SDHSS) CIDOC CRM Extension
Hiltmann, Torsten, Thomas Riechert. 2020. Digital Heraldry - The State of the Art and New Approaches Based on Semantic Web Technologies. Digitizing Medieval Sources – L’édition En Ligne de Documents d’archives Médiévaux, pp. 143-171.
Hiltmann, Torsten, Jan Keupp, Philipp Schneider, Melanie Althage. 2021. Digital Methods in practice. The Epistemological Implications of Applying Text Re-Use Analysis to the Bloody Accounts of the Conquest of Jerusalem (1099). Geschichte und Gesellschaft 47, pp. 122-156.
Hiltmann, Torsten. 2022. Vom Medienwandel zum Methodenwandel. Die fortschreitende Digitalisierung und ihre Konsequenzen für die Geschichtswissenschaften in historischer Perspektive, Döring, K. et al. (Hg.), Digital History. Konzepte, Methoden und Kritiken digitaler Geschichtswissenschaft, Berlin/Boston
Ciula, Arianna, Miguel Vieira, Ginestra Ferraro, Tiffany Ong, Sanja Perovic, Rosa Mucignat, Niccolò Valmori, Brecht Deseure, and Erica Joy Mannucci. 2021. Small Data and Process in Data Visualization: The Radical Translations Case Study. In 2021 IEEE 6th Workshop on Visualization for the Digital Humanities (VIS4DH), pp. 1–6.
Radical Translations: The Transfer of Revolutionary Culture between Britain, France and Italy (1789-1815) - still ongoing project
Donig, Simon, Mari Christoforaki, e Siegfried Handschuh. 2016. «Neoclassica - A Multilingual Domain Ontology. Representing Material Culture from the Era of Classicism in the Semantic Web.» In Computational History and Data-Driven Humanities. CHDDH. Springer, pp. 41–53.
Donig, Simon, Maria Christoforaki, Bernhard Bermeitinger, Siegfried Handschuh. 2020. «Towards a Classification of Neoclassical Objects in Interior Scenes.» In Bilddaten in den digitalen Geisteswissenschaften, herausgegeben von Canan Hastik und Philipp Hegel. Episteme. Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz, pp. 150–67.
Simon Donig, Maria Christoforaki, Bernhard Bermeitinger, Siegfried Handschuh. 2019. «AI for the Historical Disciplines? Epistemological Value, Methodological Challenges, Perspectives and the Transformation of Research Practices – the Neoclassica Experience.» Digital Hermeneutics: From Research to Dissemination; German Historical Institute (GHI), Washington D.C., USA, 17.
Scheltjens, Werner, Christoph Schlieder. 2022. Scenario-based planning for the semantic digitization of historical reference works. DHd 2022 Kulturen des digitalen Gedächtnisses. 8. Tagung des Verbands "Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum" (DHd 2022), Potsdam. POSTER
Scheltjens, Werner, Christoph Schlieder. 2022. Scenario-based planning for the semantic digitization of historical reference works. DHd 2022 Kulturen des digitalen Gedächtnisses. 8. Tagung des Verbands "Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum" (DHd 2022), Potsdam. PAPER
Digital history research team. Ontology Management Environment (OntoMe). LARHA.
Beretta, Francesco, Vincent Alamercery, Sebastiaan Derks, Lodewijk Petram, Jonas Schneider. 2019. Geohistorical FAIR data. Data integration and interoperability using the OntoME platform, Time Machine Conference 2019, Dresden.
GLOBALISE: Bringing the history of early globalisation and colonialism at the fingertips of researchers and the wider public. Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands, Amsterdam.
REPUBLIC: De online toegang tot de resoluties van de Staten-Generaal (1576-1796). Huygens ING.
Petram, Lodewijk, Jelle van Lottum, Rutger van Koert, Sebastiaan Derks. 2018. Small Lives, Big Meanings. Expanding the Scope of Biographical Data through Entity Linkage and Disambiguation. In Biographical Data in a Digital World 2017: Proceedings of the Second Conference on Biographical Data in a Digital World 2017, 2119, pp. 22-26.
Nijenhuis, I. J. A., Sluijter, R. G. H., Scherer, M., Derks, S., Ravenek, W., & Hoekstra, F. G. 2016. From Handwritten Text to Structured Data: Alternatives to Editing Large Archival Series.
Leon van Wissen, Veruska Zamborlini, Charles van den Heuvel. 2022. Modeling Provenance and Uncertainties in the Use of Archival Sources of the Dutch Golden Age. In The 68th Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America. Dublin, Ireland. RSA.
Charles van den Heuvel, Veruska Zamborlini. 2021. Modeling and Visualizing Storylines of Historical Interactions. Kubler’s Shape of Time and Rembrandt’s Night Watch. In Richard Smiraglia and Andrea Scharnhorst (eds.), Linking Knowledge. Linked Data for Knowledge Organization and Visualization. Baden-Baden: Ergon Verlag, pp. 99-141.
The meeting aims to be a space for discussion and debate on the topics of interest. The presence of DHDK students at the meeting, together with the reading of at least two papers by two different authors and the preparation of at least two questions to ask the speakers, gives the right to 2 cfu in Laboratory (1) (LM) - 6 cfu. We therefore kindly ask you to complete the form to send the requested questions to get the 2 cfu.
We remain at your disposal for any request. You can contact us at any time by leaving us a message, we will strive to provide you with accurate answers. In addition, we will not disclose your personal information.
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